J. Edward Knight Insurance:
Logo Usage Policy for Sponsored Organizations


J. Edward Knight Insurance is proud to partner with organizations that align with our mission and community focus. This logo usage policy outlines the proper use of our logo by sponsored organizations. By following these guidelines, you will help us maintain a consistent brand identity and ensure a positive experience for all involved.

Approved Uses

  • Sponsored organizations may use the J. Edward Knight Insurance logo on approved marketing materials directly related to the sponsored event or program. These materials may include:
    • Event flyers, posters, and website banners
    • Program booklets and invitations
    • Social media posts referencing the sponsorship
    • Press releases mentioning the sponsorship (with prior approval)
  • You may use the logo in its original format, without any alterations. This includes maintaining the correct colors, proportions, and fonts. We will provide you with electronic versions of the logo upon approval of your sponsorship.

Restricted Uses

  • You may not alter the logo in any way, including: 
    • Changing the colors
    • Modifying the proportions or layout
    • Adding text or other design elements
    • Using a distorted or low-resolution version
  • You may not use the logo in a way that suggests an endorsement of a product, service, or opinion that is not affiliated with J. Edward Knight Insurance.
  • You may not use the logo on merchandise or promotional items without prior written approval.

Consequences of Improper Use

J. Edward Knight Insurance reserves the right to request the removal of any logo usage that does not comply with this policy.

Thank You – We appreciate your cooperation in using our logo correctly. If you have questions about this policy, please contact us.